Nobility Performance

From concept to final edit, working with a company to provide their customers with informative content about what each employee offers was an amazing task. Being able to work closely with Nobility and learn about their morals and values was crucial to the success of the final cuts. After working with each individual on their own informative piece I was able to bring out their amazing uniqueness in what they can offer.

Lighting is one of the most important parts of the production process, and working with each person in an “interview” style setup it was imperative to get it right. Working with the same spaces but making them look different through lighting techniques was also something I found interesting. I lit my subjects in accordance to their personalities and offerings to have the best overall cohesive viewing experience.

All in all, I loved working with the people over at Nobility Performance. They are wonderful people and are truly making a difference in their community and I am thankful to have been able to work with them.

Here is all of the content I have produced for them:


Wild Cherry Jewelry


Music Videos